Investing with TIFF

Sustainable Investments

TIFF's ESG Philosophy

TIFF believes that incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG) and impact investing analysis into our investment process provides useful insights and a more comprehensive view of risk and opportunity.  Read more about TIFF’s Commitment to Sustainability.


We believe that

  • Global sustainability challenges represent both material risks and significant opportunities for investors
  • Disclosure of ESG information by companies is increasing as investors and regulators become more aware of the impact of ESG factors on corporate value and demand greater insight
  • ESG information contributes to a more comprehensive view of industries, businesses, and corporate management teams
  • Workers, consumers, and leaders are increasingly focused on sustainability
  • Corporate approaches to managing ESG factors have long-term impacts and can be sources of competitive advantage or disadvantage
  • Strong corporate governance practices often result in increased transparency, accountability, productivity, and alignment of interests with key stakeholders

Read more about ESG through our Insights and Webinars:

TIFF’s approach is consistent with that of the CFA Institute, which requires Certified Financial Analyst charterholders to consider ESG factors in all investment analyses.


Invest in secular change and help clients better align their investment portfolios with their values.


Provide an increasingly comprehensive set of sustainability-oriented portfolio solutions designed to achieve progressively positive environmental and social outcomes balanced with client risk and return goals.

Defining Sustainability

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

TIFF's Sustainable Investments Process

TIFF employs a multi-disciplinary approach to sustainable investments research that is applied across our organization and is enhanced for TIFF’s sustainable investment solutions.

Sustainable Investment Strategies

TIFF employs a combination of sustainable investment strategies to seek to optimize positive financial, environmental, and social returns.

ESG Engagement
Seek managers that actively and deliberately engage with companies on ESG issues
Thematic Investing
Seek managers targeting investments in businesses creating solutions to environmental and social issues
ESG Integration
Seek managers with robust ESG processes; continue to apply and improve TIFF’s own ESG process
Negative Screen
Managers abide by restricted list, helping align investments with values





Environmental Factors We Consider:

  • Resource efficiency
  • Emissions
  • Biodiversity loss/preservation
  • Pollution and waste management
  • Climate change impact, mitigation, and adaptation


Social Factors We Consider:

  • Human rights
  • Community impact and relations
  • Diversity
  • Education
  • Health and well-being
  • Affordable housing
  • Employee health, safety and engagement
  • Product safety
  • Data management and cyber security


Governance Factors We Consider:

  • Multi-stakeholder rights management
  • Board composition
  • Executive compensation
  • Internal controls
  • Transparency and accountability


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